Horizon 2020
European Union Funding
for Research & Innovation
Bioremia student next to a laptop

Beyond the Bench:
Career development for Scientists

(in-person soft-skills training, 29.-30.08.2022)

In the frame of the BIOREMIA summer school, that took place in Ioannina, Greece, 29.08.-02.09.2022, our ESRs were offered another interactive training on career development for scientists. 

The goal of this workshop was to give participants a competitive edge in the job market both by developing an intellectual framework for making informed career choices, and by providing practical help with the application and selection process, be it within or outside the academic environment.


• Skills, interests and values: why are you doing science and what for?
• Identifying opportunities: mapping the job market for academics
• Developing your competence profile: finding out and expressing
  what you are good at
• Decision making theory: how to make the right choices for the right reasons
• Creating a competitive CV: how to get on the shortlist
• The job interview: a clear framework to finding the right match
• Taking action: tools and tips to kick off your career.

Trainer: Dr. Lisa Saemisch & Dr. Tobias Maier from ThePaperMill (https://www.thepapermill.eu)

more details about the BIOREMIA summer school

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