ESR 15: Impact of implant coatings on osseointegration and biofilm prevention
- Host institution: Stryker Trauma GmbH (Stryker), Germany
- Supervisor: Dr. Nils Reimers & Dr. Robin Büscher
- ESR 15: Sebastião Barros (sebastiao.barros(at)
Project Description
Objectives: Optimisation of industrially standardized coating technologies for metallic materials in clinical use and for new beta-type TiNb alloys towards a) improved antibacterial efficiency, and b) suitable osseointegration for trauma implants.
Tasks: 1)To produce test implants based on TiAlV, Stainless steel and TiNb, 2) Coat these implants using anodization Type II and III as well as biodegradable HA; 3) Biomechanical tests and surface analytics; 4) Differential adhesion of fibroblasts, osteoblasts and other osteo-related cells will be described in in vitro assays and inflammatory biomarkers will be screened (secondment); 5) The antimicrobial effect of the coating will be characterized in comparison to the raw (uncoated) material using microbiological tests (secondment); 6) Initiating of the regulatory assessment of antibacterial coatings, verification and validation protocols and feasibility studies on the transfer of antibacterial coating technologies into qualified manufacturing processes.
Expected Results: i) Understanding the impact of coating of bone implants for the complex mechanism of osseointegration at the surface to the tissue ii) Development of new standard antibacterial surfaces for metallic implants for traumatological applications; iii) Enable the ESR to develop entrepreneurial thinking and methods in industry-led R&D comprising prototype development and scale-up of coating technologies as well as managerial, leadership and team skills in an international and industrial environment
The ESR will travel abroad for research secondments at different institutions of the BIOREMIA Network (e.g. at Goeteborgs Universitet -Sweden, IFW Dresden - Germany, University of Cambridge - UK, University Clinics of Giessen & Marburg - Germany).
The ESR will enroll in the doctoral student programme at Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany.
ESR 15: Sebastião Maria Mollet de Barros

Stryker Trauma GmbH (Stryker), Germany
Sebastião Barros is from Portugal. He obtained his a Master’s degree from Imperial College London (UK) in September 2019 after completing a Master Research programme in the Department of Bioengineering.