ESR 10: Sustainable manufacturing of anti-fouling and anti-bacterial bioresorbable PEG-polymer coatings for metal surfaces of implantable medical devices and nanotube-based drug delivery system
- Host institution: Ashland Specialties Ireland Ltd. (Ashland), Ireland
- Supervisor: Dr. Patrick Duffy (patrick.duffy(at) and Dr. Udo Greiser
- ESR 10: David Zermeño Pérez (David.ZermenoPerez(at)
Project Description
The objective of this project is the development of bioresorbable PLLA-PEG and PLGA-PEG based polymers with anti-fouling and anti-bacterial properties to be used as coatings for metallic orthopedic devices and nanotube-based drug delivery systems. The successful candidate will gain skills in synthesizing bioresorbable PEG polymers, as well as their characterization with respect of a variety of parameters including structural features as well as solubility viscosity and thermal stability. The candidate will develop and scale up anti-fouling and anti-bacterial coatings utilizing these PEG-polymers and the properties of these coatings will be tested using a variety of in vitro biofilm assays. A sustainability report will be delivered.
Expected results: Novel anti-fouling and anti-bacterial bioresorbable PEG-polymer coatings for metallic orthopedic implants.
The ESR will also travel abroad for research secondments at partner organisations of the BIOREMIA Network (e.g. at Montanuniversität Leoben- Austria, the University of Cambridge - UK, The University Clinics of Giessen & Marburg GmbH -Germany) and will participate in specialised training meetings and international conferences.
The ESR will carry out research in the laboratories in Ashland Inc. and will be enrolled in the University College Dublin PhD Program.
ESR 10: David Zermeño Pérez

Ashland Specialties Ireland Ltd. (Ashland), Ireland
David Zermeño received his Bachelor’s degree in Bioprocess Engineering from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (Mexico) in 2017.